Author Jana B. | Published 04.Juni 2023
Find out which scientific breakthroughs are really effective therapies for menopausal problems according to leading gynecologists. And how many thousands of patients have already got rid of their hot flushes, sleep disorders or weight gain with these new methods permanently and without side effects in just a few months
If you also suffer from digestive problems, hot flushes, sleep disorders or weight gain during your menopause, then you know how it feels to constantly weigh more and more without sinning...
Not sleeping because your hot flushes are keeping you awake again... Or simply feeling uncomfortable because your hair is falling out more and more due to hormonal changes.
The symptoms of the menopause are manifold. Around 20 percent of all women develop depression, sleep disorders, massive exhaustion, restlessness, panic attacks or concentration problems.
If you're one of them, then you've come to the right place!
Just like hot flushes, depression or even hair loss, bloating, stubborn belly fat and digestive problems are also problems that often suddenly occur with the menopause.
What seems to be the worst thing about it is that nothing really seems to help.Starting with diets, going to the gym or even diet pills, nothing really seems to work in the long term.
It's as if those extra kilos on the scales are like a curse.
When my mother Andrea turned 49 and the menopause symptoms started, she was severely affected by digestive problems and bloating for many months to a year.
She repeatedly complained to me that she would gain more and more weight without changing her lifestyle, especially around her stomach area.
“My clothes no longer fit me. It just doesn't look good anymore.” I heard her saying that over and over again.
I felt so sorry for her that she felt more uncomfortable in her own skin every day that I did extensive research. I have a PhD in chemistry and spend half my day reading studies about scientific reports and studies.
I thought to myself, if there is something that can naturally regulate the hormones during this time of menopause then I am sure I will find something.
One day I found it! During my research, I discovered something that naturally regulated my mother's digestive problems and weight gain due to the menopause - permanently and without side effects.
As I believe that many people share these menopausal symptoms, I have compiled this report for you so that you too can combat your menopausal symptoms as quickly as possible in a natural way.
Surprisingly, this new method (which I'm sure you've never heard of before) was the only thing that really helped my mother...
The best thing about this method is that it is effective and sustainable. And the best thing about it is that my mother's symptoms have not returned to this day.
During my extensive research I found out about the “Hormone Balance Method”.
According to international studies and experts, this new treatment method is classified as:
“The best natural and herbal hormone therapy to treat the cause of menopausal symptoms and the best thing about it: it does not require any cost-intensive therapy and is absolutely natural, with no side effects.
✅ What happens to your body hormonally when the menopause begins. With the onset of the menopause, the ovaries gradually reduce their hormone production. This leads to hormonal fluctuations and ovulation becomes less frequent. After the last ovulation, the menopause occurs, menstruation stops and no more eggs can mature.
✅ The menopause also changes hormone production in the brain. As the ovaries produce less and less oestrogen during the menopause, the brain releases more hormones from the gonadotropin group. This shifted hormonal balance can lead to various symptoms such as hot flushes and sweating during the menopause.
✅ Why dietary supplements such as St. John's wort and tablets from the drugstore alone will not help to bring your hormones back into balance. And which approach is the only effective method to finally get rid of your symptoms.
During all my research and reading I also contacted some leading gynecologists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
I inquired about possible therapies for menopausal symptoms and searched for the actual cause behind this symptom.
I researched day and night.
Followed every post in every possible online forum on the subject of menopause & co. I subscribed to all the medical journals.
Then I made a discovery!
In this 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 100 women with peri-menopausal symptoms were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or 300 mg twice daily of an ashwagandha root extract.
The results were incredible.
Of 91 participants who completed the study, all showed a significant reduction in symptoms when taking ashwagandha compared to the placebo group. These results suggest that ashwagandha root extract may be a safe and effective option for relieving mild to moderate perimenopausal symptoms during menopause in women.
The women presented with moderate menopausal symptoms at the start of the study, and there was a gradual improvement over the course of a month of treatment with ashwagandha extract.
During my further research I came across other interesting studies in connection with green tea extract:
The results of this study show that subjects taking a green tea extract formulated in phospholipids showed positive changes in lipolysis metabolism, particularly in weight and body fat reduction, compared to the placebo group.
The indicated 60-day supplementation with a green tea extract counteracts adipose tissue dysfunction in overweight and obese post-menopausal Class I women.
All women were also examined at the clinic after one, three and six months. Among other things, blood pressure, body mass index and antioxidant status were determined.
The women who took green tea extract not only reported a rapid improvement in perimenopausal symptoms, but also lost a significant amount of weight during the study period.
As if that wasn't already incredibly promising, a female doctor from Switzerland drew my attention to another study:
However, to date there has been no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness.
In this study, 71 patients who had up to 5 hot flushes per day were given the sage leaf preparation over a period of 8 weeks.
After just 5 weeks, the test subjects noticed a significant reduction in hot flushes and after 8 weeks there were hardly any hot flushes at all.
So there were 3 natural ingredients for me that showed equally overwhelming results and studies.
The studies on ashwagandha, green tea extract and sage were truly groundbreaking.
It was clear to me that there had to be a product that combined all the studies and all the ingredients. I asked myself whether such a product already existed?
After a long search, I found it. I found the ultimate product that not only combined all the ingredients, but was also packaged and manufactured sustainably.
There have been many studies worldwide on the individual active ingredients for menopausal symptoms.And the first treatment successes have already been achieved.
But no one had yet come up with the idea of combining all these active ingredients!
The breakthrough and therefore the reason why many patients with hormonal complaints during the menopause have now been relieved within a few months - is the discovery of this product.
We are talking about the product MenoRescue's™ WellMe.
MenoRescue's™ proprietary formula is the world's first to combine eight clinically proven hormone-supporting nutrients that has been shown to promote healthy cortisol levels 400% more effectively than a placebo.
This cutting-edge blend of sage, green tea extrakt, Ashwagandha and other valuable ingredients uniquely promotes a calm and comfortable menopause:
Stabilizing estrogen and progesterone levels during the menopausal transition while gently supporting the body's own production of these two hormones.
MenoRescue™ helps to promote:
✓ A healthy body temperature
✓ Effortless fat burning
✓ Restful sleep
✓ All-day energy
✓ A youthful brain function
✓ A balanced mood
✓ Flexible joints
✓ A healthy heart
✓ And a happy, worry-free menopause!
I finally had all the active ingredients in one product, which, according to leading studies, proved to be very effective.
Enthusiastic customers reported:
“After 2 months of taking it, I noticed how my hot flushes and insomnia have subsided.”
“I have already lost 4kg in 3 months.”
“Finally an effective solution to stubborn belly fat. Such an improvement within 3 months. It's like a miracle! I am so happy.”
I was totally thrilled and ordered all of their products - my mother had to try it too!
As I know today: one of the best decisions.
When the postman delivered the parcel with the product to my mother's door a few days later, she was both overwhelmed and excited at the same time.
As my mother didn't want to overtax her body, which I understand, she only took the WellMe product.
What can I say, after just 4 weeks she was so happy and grateful that she told all her friends in the painting club about it.
Andrea (my mother):
“ When I tried WellMe for the first time I was totally skeptical. I thought what could a few capsules every day do for me. But I was proved wrong. After just a few weeks I noticed how my digestion improved and the bloating after eating disappeared. I rarely had hot flushes and my sleep also improved. And today? Today I'm back to my pre-menopause weight. Even my stomach is flat again and no longer so bloated. I am so grateful that I tried this product!”
My blog is all about wellness and health and although I'm still in my 30s and don't have any menopause symptoms yet, but I thought I'd share this story with you, because you're not alone!
And if I could only help one of your guys, I'm happy.
Disclaimer: Effect depends on individual factors, illustrations based on affected persons, names changed. This article contains, among other things, product recommendations. We are free from the influence of third parties in the selection of products. For a referral via our affiliate links, we receive a commission from the relevant service provider/online store when a purchase or referral is made, with the help of which we can continue to offer independent journalism.